Sri Skandaguru Vidyalayam established by Guruji Sivasri S.K. RAJA BHATTAR in 1993 with the grace of Bhagvan Sri Subramanya, is one of the institutions dedicated to teaching the Veda-s, the Sivagama-s and the saiva Thirumaurai-s. The fundamental aim of the institution is to preserve and propagate the Veda-Sivagama tradition by training dynamic and efficient priests for the temples and for society. For this the Vidyalayam offers a five-year residential course to the young boys belonging to the priestly lineage called Adisaivas. At the end of the course they are conferred with the title Sivagama Bhaskara.

The Adisaivas, also known as Sivacharyas, were initiated by Lord Siva Himself to do the worship in the temples [called parartha pooja] for the welfare of society.

say the Saivagama-s.

The students are provided with education, food, and shelter free of cost with the support of well wishers who are devoted to the cause of preserving this Veda- Sivagama tradition.



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