The founder Guru and Acharya Siva Sri S.K. Raja Bhattar was born in a traditional family of priests at the holy place of Thirupparankundram, the son of Sivasri Karpura Bhattar and Srimathi Nagalakshmi. From his childhood his mind dwelled in the divine hymns and songs and he immersed himself in worship of the Lord. In order to gain the knowledge of worship (pooja) as prescribed in the Vedas and the Sivagamas he had his tutelage under Sivasri Vishwanatha Sivacharya of Allur. Inspired by his guru bhakti he excelled in his studies and became a great scholar in the Vedas and the Sivagamas. He was immersed in the uniqueness and vastness of our Veda-Sivagama tradition and developed a strong desire to preserve and propagate this tradition. It is this seed of thought which has now sprouted into the Sri Skandaguru Vidyalayam.

Sivasri Raja Bhattar is today well known throughout the world for his performance of kumbhabisheka and other Veda-Sivagama rituals. Recently he was conferred with the title Kudamuluku Nannirattu Chemmal for performing over 1200 Kumbhabishekams in India and abroad.



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